Brussel Sprouts: A Former Hater finds…Like

I have always despised brussel sprouts.  As a vegetarian, I generally like all vegetables but not brussel sprouts.  I thought they were mean, nasty, little, bitter cabbages and I avoided them like the plague until today.

I’ve been doing research on nutrition that will support me having the best possible outcome from the dental reconstruction I will begin shortly. (I’ll get more into this in a future post.)  So, you can imagine my inner conflict when I discovered that brussel sprouts, those angry little wet balls of green slimy leaves, are loaded with vitamin K, essential to strong bones, and calcium… among many other health benefits.  Dammit!  Now, I was going to have to give those little suckers another try.

So, today with an open heart and mind, I opened a bag of fresh (well, you know, Trader Joe’s fresh) of brussel sprouts.  I dutifully cut off what remained of their little tails and split them in half.  (I learned it was good to split them in half because sometimes little creatures can be found amongst the leaves…ewwwl!)  Then I put them in a bowl full of water with three tablespoons of vinegar for ten minutes to clean them.  I rinsed them off and was ready to roast.

I figured, since I tend to like roasted veggies that, roasting might increase the odds I actually would find them edible.  I added a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.  Then I put the little green guys in the oven for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

When I checked on them, I was pleased to find them just starting to turn brown and tender but not slimy.  I cautiously put one in my mouth and began chewing.  While, I would say they definitely were mildly astringent but not at all bitter.  They were quite pleasant.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was actually enjoying brussel sprouts!

So, to any of you veggie avoiders out there (you know who you are!) you may want to give your detested dish another try.  I think prep is key when it comes to certain vegetables.  So, if you don’t like it the way your grandma made it; find a new recipe; mix it up; invent your own!  It might improve your health and make your world a little more interesting.

Love and blessings to all.


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9 thoughts on “Brussel Sprouts: A Former Hater finds…Like

  1. Shawne

    Great post. I will try your method as I, too, have wanted to like Brussel Sprouts but have never had success. I tried roasting too but I will try your method of prep. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Cynthia Lenz Post author

      Glad you enjoyed Shawne! I think cutting them in half makes a difference too. It makes them half as pungent. I saw saw several recipes for shaved brussel sprouts. I think I will try that soon as well.

    2. Sylvia Ligorio

      I love brussel Sprouts. I make them all the time. I cut them in half and I got recipe from Annie, we saute with extra virgin olive oil sliced onions and garlic, sea salt and we cook them till the carmelize brown. I swear its like candy to my mouth. I love them… Glad u gave them a second chance

  2. Diane

    We also like them roasted, but never added balsamic –good idea (my kids alwayed hated them too). Traders has leaves of Brussels that can be soaked as you suggested and added to salad. Tasty.

    1. Cynthia Lenz Post author

      Yeah, I read someplace that Trader Joe’s has shaved brussel sprouts. This sounded like a good idea. I especially like the idea of shaved brussel sprouts with the caramelized onions and garlic that Sylvia mentioned.

  3. Jodi

    Yummy! Love my brussel sprout. I usually roast them alone or with other other veggies with olive oil and lot’s of Indian type spices. But I love the idea of balsamic vinegar! Brilliant! I also liked the idea of the caramelized onions & garlic. Thanks for posting – I’m glad you enjoyed them.

  4. MaryEllen

    Hey Cynthia, I tried your Brussel Sprout recipe…except I cooked them on top of the stove rather than the oven. Our temps are still getting up into the high 90s here in Northern Utah so chose not to heat up the oven. I was very favorably impressed. I think it made a big different to cut off the stem end then split the little suckers in half. Didn’t find any unwanted critters…LOL. I’ll definitely make them again. :>)


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