What is a Quick, Easy, Natural Way to Chase the Blahs Away?

What is the quickest easiest way to chase the blahs away?  Buy new underwear!

I am not kidding.  Go look at your underwear drawer right now.  Pull out at least three pairs of panties that are ready for retirement.  Go ahead, I’ll wait… It’ll only take two seconds if you are anything like I used to be.

I have a confession to make.   I was something of an underwear hoarder.  My drawer was filled to the brim with old underpants.  If they didn’t fall off when I put them on, they were keepers.  Then one day while I was folding the laundry, I noticed the sorry, motley lot of undies that had been covering my tushy (Never know whether I am spelling that correctly,) in some cases for more than a decade.  Yikes!

You found more than three; didn’t you?  Why do we do this?  Why do we hold onto things that are ripped, frayed, old and faded?  Think about this for a minute.  Your underwear is the first item of clothing you put on every morning.  Look at the three pathetic has-beens you just pulled out of your dresser; is that really how you want to start your day?   Do you feel confident going out into the world with those on!?!  Please throw them out right now and go pick up new ones in the next 24 hours.  Don’t tell me you can’t afford it.  If you can read this blog right now, you can afford to treat yourself to some new underwear.

I am not talking about anything fancy.  They don’t have to be silk, satin, mink (please don’t buy mink!) or certainly not diamond-encrusted, but for Goodness’ sake, they better not have a safety-pin holding them together either!  (Yep, you know who you are!) Do yourself a favor; toss those three pairs right now and go buy yourself three, new, all-cotton panties… briefs, bikinis…whatever makes you happy but dammit they should be cute!  And you should feel cute when you put them on in the morning.

On a naturally healthy note, all cotton is a really good idea. Synthetic fabrics can be irritating to delicate skin. It’s also important to keep it breezy down there.  Cotton allows for more airflow and less moisture.  Moisture can lead to infections and unpleasant odor.  That’s not cute!

Okay, you have your orders, now go!  You’ll be glad you did.

Love and Blessings to All,


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8 thoughts on “What is a Quick, Easy, Natural Way to Chase the Blahs Away?

  1. Judi

    Hi Cynthia,

    Been following your blog…so sorry to hear about your tumble and everything that’s ensued…BUT, despite all the pain and anguish, you look exactly as I remember, a very pretty Cynthia with a great attitude and a wonderful smile.

    Per your new blog: you’re right on…my mother, all the mother’s I’ve ever known, and I, as a mother, have always imparted the following wisdom to their daughters: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, wear nice, pretty and, above all, clean underwear, because, you never know: you could wind up in the emergency room of a hospital, and DO NOT want to be embarrased by the underwear you put on that morning!

    Take care…keep on with you’re positive attitude…

    Fondly, Judi

    1. Cynthia Lenz Post author

      JUDI! 🙂 It’s so nice to hear from you! I hope you are doing well. Thank you for the kind thoughts and words and for reading my blog. I really appreciate it!


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