Mom Was Right

Yesterday, I was driving home during rush hour in stop and go traffic.  I like to leave a good 20 to 30 feet between my car and the one in front of me because I have seen too many multi-car fender benders. I have no desire to be put in a position to slam on my brakes and pray I don’t rear-end someone.

Apparently, my logic was lost on the maniac child of God behind me BECAUSE he practically hooked himself on my bumper and periodically honked at me.  I would glance in the rear-view mirror and shrug as if to say, “do you really think I’m the one who is holding you up right now?”  As we got closer to the exit, he leaned on his horn, at which point, I lost my temper, opened the window, stuck my left arm out high and saluted him with my middle finger.  He got so angry that he pulled up alongside me to curse me out.  At which point, I refused to look at him, stuck my right arm out and saluted him again.  Then this crazy, moth-  fellow human being pulled sharply to the left as if he was going to play bumper cars with me.  I managed to swerve around him, narrowly missing the car to my left.  Thankfully, he gave up at that point and sped away on the exit ramp.

My first thought was , “Holy crap, that guy was willing to literally use his car as a weapon and cause an accident.”  My second thought was, “Mom was right!”  I instantly heard her voice in my head saying, “Cindy, STOP giving people the finger!  You don’t know if that person is crazy or not.  Someone could have a gun.  Do what I do.  Leave the windows rolled up and yell at them.  You get your frustration out and no one gets hurt.”  I have been in the car with her when someone has cut her off.  Her language is very colorful, indeed, and would probably make a sailor blush.

So, here is the best Mother’s day gift I could ever give her:

“Mom, you were right.  Happy Mothers Day!”

Happy Mother’s Day to all my readers who are mothers (to humans and furry kids.)  All the best always!

Many Blessings,


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4 thoughts on “Mom Was Right

  1. jennifer puente

    I thought you had stopped that??! Dangerous indeed….never know who is nuts and has a gun. It’s not worth it……..your mom is right!! Stay safe and live to drive another day.

    1. Cynthia Lenz Post author

      I am not proud. It was the perfect storm of headache + sleep deprivation + stressful week. I think I really learned my lesson this time!

  2. DoubleDebtSingleWoman

    Wow. That’s a funny story, but also scary. I’m glad that the guy didn’t try to follow you. Almost gone are the days when you could give someone the finger and just go about your business. Ha. Stay safe out there!

    1. Cynthia Lenz Post author

      I have been pretty good. I try to remember that incident whenever I am tempted to flip someone the bird. It’s not easy to resist the urge sometimes with my commute but so far so good! 🙂


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